Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So today... well now technically yesterday I saw God in an interesting way. This is a super busy week and everyone is stressed out. This semester is proving to be particularly difficult and labor intensive for most of us. Despite all of the chaos and homework that have consumed my thoughts, I sat and talked with someone about everything and nothing. What started out as a little homework help, turned into one of the deepest conversations I've had. It wasn't particularly profound or life changing, just two friends hanging out talking about things. I am grateful for time to forget about how busy we are and remember that we're still people and not the academic robots we sometimes feel that we are. It may not be my best decision, seeing that I have a full day ahead of me and I'm hoping for 4 hours of sleep. But, I am glad that I got to hang out and be a friend, not a pastoral you need a friend kind of way but as if we were two friends talking for hours.

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