Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 8

I'm aware that this is ridiculously late and there are many reasons for that. First, I was  exhausted last night and couldn't sit long enough to write it. Secondly, I have been busy today writing a paper and I had to get that done before I could blog (it was a good motivational tool). Third, I am going on a 72 hour retreat this weekend and it starts tonight, I will not be able to blog until Sunday night, and even then I may not be conscious enough to do it. I will write down my events and post them when I get home and get a chance, so do not worry.

So this is where I saw God yesterday. It was ridiculously warm yesterday and I woke up early to get some work done and finished it much earlier than I expected. I decided to take my homework to the lake and get some reading done. I don't know why I ever think that I can accomplish anything at the lake. I was distracted to say the least. I was sittin on the rock break wall when a Mallard duck jumped up off the water. It landed about 5 feet away from me. I'm not a big fan of flying creatures and I was terrified that it would come flying right at me. This duck just sat there and looked around. He wasn't really scared of me and didn't even really notice me. I could not stop staring at him, he was so beautiful! His head was this amazing green iridescent color, a while line, then normal brown. On his back there was more green and his bright orange feet. I've never taken the time to look at a duck closely, but they are full of brilliant colors. A mallard duck is magnificently made by God. The colors and pattern was just astounding to me. I was moved at how much detail there is in a duck. 

Then I went to McCormick worship where THE Ted Heibert preached on the Noah covenant and reminded us that God made the first covenant with all the living creatures not with humans. After my experience in duck watching this was a whole new revelation for me. God's covenant is open to all creatures, including ducks, as equal parts of the kingdom. These two things together were astounding and I see God's creation so differently now because we are all equal because God made the first covenant with us all.   

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